Not every injury case requires a life care plan, just as not every life care plan is used for only multi-million dollar settlements. An example of this is a motor vehicle crash whereby the injured party has policy limits of $100K. A LTMCP is a valuable tool that quantifies the medical damages that can be used by both sides to discuss settlement. A Medical Cost Projection is developed on the review of medical records and medical research and oftentimes only covers a portion of the care needs required for the long term. It differs from a life care plan in that a life care plan is based on a personal face to face interview with the injured/ill individual, an extensive review of the medical records, and in-depth medical research. It is highly individualized and customized to address the needs of each individual and no two are ever the same.
Although the life care plan remains the gold standard; the most comprehensive, in-depth, advanced, and extensively researched gold-standard document, the LTMCP can help with your damages during mediation and pre-trial settlements. The LTMCP is prepared using the same basic methodology as the comprehensive LCP but does not require an MD to review it and sign off. Our staff of Life Care Planners utilize their years of experience along with their education and training to identify and quantify the long term needs of a client.